During the last days of my winter holiday, I had the thought: “Why not define what my perfect year would look like?”. I remember writing on LinkedIn something like “I need to make a plan” and “Not defining what I want makes any beneficial outcome purely random”
(I had to rephrase my words since I found a better way to express what I wanted to say back then. Maybe I should work on improving my previous posts sometime… 🤔 Anyways, sorry for interrupting, you can continue your reading from here:)
So I opened the notes application on my laptop and listed a few tasks I would love to complete this year. While doing so, I realised I need to add one more: Dealing with my bad habits.
I tried remembering something from the top of my head: Never finishing what I start; Procrastination; Overthinking; Perfectionism; Playing video games…
The most distructive one was my perfectionism. I don’t finish things because I want them to be perfect; I procrastinate because making things perfect is hard; I play games because why not - What do I have to do If I procrastinate anyways…
After realising that not making things perfect isn’t shameful nor scary, and that I don’t ever have to be ashamed as long as I’m being honest with myself and others, it got easier to deal with it, but I feel that it’s not enough.
Since the problem are habits, perhaps there is a way to deal with them. I remember a book named “Atomic Habits”. It even has in the name: “An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones”, which sounds just like what I am looking for! The next step is to get it, read it and post about what I’ve learned!
PS: Have you read this book? Did It help you? Can you suggest other similar books? Let me know on any social network you find in the footer of this website.